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What is Your Birthdate in English

2023-11-21 www.ssmr.cn 星座运程 1 ℃ 0 评论
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What is Your Birthdate in English?

When it comes to telling someone your birthdate in English, it's important to know the correct format. In the United States, the standard format for writing a date is month/day/year. However, in many other countries, the format is day/month/year. It's important to clarify which format you are using to avoid confusion.

Writing out the date

If you are writing out your birthdate in English, you can use the following format:

  • Month Day, Year
  • Example: January 1, 2000

You can also use the numerical format:

  • Month/Day/Year
  • Example: 01/01/2000

Common ways to say your birthdate

When telling someone your birthdate in English, there are a few common ways to phrase it:

  • "My birthday is on [month] [day]." Example: "My birthday is on January 1."
  • "I was born on [month] [day], [year]." Example: "I was born on January 1, 2000."
  • "I was born in [month] [year]." Example: "I was born in January 2000."

Celebrating your birthday in English

When it's your birthday, there are a few common ways to celebrate in English-speaking countries:

  • A birthday party with family and friends
  • A birthday cake with candles to blow out
  • Opening presents
  • Saying "Happy Birthday!" to the person celebrating

Now that you know how to tell someone your birthdate in English, you can celebrate your birthday with confidence!

What Is Your Birthdate in English?

When learning English, it's important to know how to talk about dates. One of the most important dates to know how to say is your birthdate. In this article, we'll go over how to say your birthdate in English.

The Basic Format

The basic format for stating a birthdate in English is to say the month, day, and year. For example, if your birthday is June 1, 2000, you would say:

June 1, 2000

If you want to shorten it, you can say:




Using Ordinal Numbers

When stating the day of the month, it's important to use ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are numbers that show the position of something in a series, such as first, second, third, etc. When talking about dates, the day of the month is always an ordinal number. Here are the ordinal numbers for the first 31 days of the month:

  1. 1st
  2. 2nd
  3. 3rd
  4. 4th
  5. 5th
  6. 6th
  7. 7th
  8. 8th
  9. 9th
  10. 10th
  11. 11th
  12. 12th
  13. 13th
  14. 14th
  15. 15th
  16. 16th
  17. 17th
  18. 18th
  19. 19th
  20. 20th
  21. 21st
  22. 22nd
  23. 23rd
  24. 24th
  25. 25th
  26. 26th
  27. 27th
  28. 28th
  29. 29th
  30. 30th
  31. 31st


Here are a few examples of how to say your birthdate in English:

Example 1:

My birthday is April 15, 1995.

Example 2:

I was born on the 3rd of September, 2002.

Example 3:

My date of birth is 12/31/1990.


Knowing how to say your birthdate in English is an important skill to have when learning the language. Remember to use ordinal numbers when stating the day of the month, and use the basic format of month, day, and year. With these tools, you'll be able to confidently state your birthdate in English.


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